Delivery Information
We deliver to most UK postcodes within 7-10 working days, for other postcodes such as Highlands and Islands there might be a slight delay and you can expect these to arrive between 10-14 working days. We use local carriers where possible, otherwise we use approved carriers such as: Parcel Force and FedEx.
During local and national holidays there may be a delay in the despatch of your order, if we anticipate a delay beyond our stated delivery time someone from our customer service team will be in touch.
Europe / USA Rugs
For Australasian sales, please contact “Antonia Gardner” at Tartan Carpets Australasia on+61397739933 and leave a message for a shipping quote or email
Urgent response please phone “Murray Gardner” on (+61)0423621692
Under Consumer Contract Regulations 2013, if you buy online or by phone, your consumer rights entitle you to a full refund if you request one in writing within 14 working days of receipt of goods.
Items will be refunded or exchanged providing that you do not use the item ; it is in the same condition as when you first bought it ; and, you have taken reasonable care to ensure that any items returned to us do so safely and not damaged in any way. We will not be held responsible for any goods that are returned to us damaged.
Unfortuantely, post and package cost are non-refunable and we will not be held responsible for returns that do not reach us. We would advise you use a signed for service when returning your item to us. Please send returns to the following address:
50 Jessie Street, Polmadie, Glasgow, G42 0PG
International Freight charges, any questions or concerns contact our office regarding returning any items.